Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An additional idea for the blog

Thanks for following the blog and reading the weekly* country profiles. It is quite obvious that I am not sticking to the earlier country schedule calendar in the first post. Unfortunately, my slacker tendencies frequently get the better part of me. Not to worry, I am committed to completing the task of profiling each country. I may not get done in one year, but hopefully before 1.356 years. Who cares? I have already learned a great deal and hope you have too.

Another idea I have to reduce the blog's rating on the boring scale is to introduce current news and affairs. I try to keep up with African news as portrayed on the international scene and usually have something to say, sometimes insightful, and at other times painfully naive. As I buy time to complete each country profile, I will intermittently post my thoughts, analysis and opinions on interesting current news.

Please share any helpful ideas or suggestions.

weekly = a range from every 7-days to every 28-days

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